Design reviews. We all get them. Some of us love them, whilst some of us hate them. I have fallen into both camps depending on who was involved and how the review was run.
I’ll wager that no one really wants a ‘review’ as such. I worked under a guy who would go through my work and make uniformed comments in a green pen over anything he did not quite get. I hated it as did the rest of the team (most of us left).
Another boss ran reviews as a team and created a space for open discussion and questions. It was not a ‘review’, but it did review the work done and improve it, but it was a collaborative, constructive experience for everyone. No one left that team.
A huge difference in approach and a huge difference in benefits and outcomes.
So how do we achieve that level of collaboration when we are either forced to be remote due to an ongoing pandemic, or have to work with remote teams in different countries?
Well, Radical can help.
Radical is a platform agnostic collaboration tool that integrates natively into the software you use everyday. It enables collaboration at the application level as opposed to having to run a different application (Teams etc.) in order to work together.
In engineering terms, you can discuss the live CAD data as a team, work on that data together (co-authoring) and collaboratively improve the solution as you work together.
Not only that, Radical also acts as a ‘disseminator’ of the data without requiring specific hardware or software. This allows other members of the wider team to get involved earlier in the process and help troubleshoot potential problems whilst the solution is still in digital form. These specialists do not need to have licences for expensive CAD software packages or the training on how to use them, they just need a browser on a laptop or tablet, or even a phone if they are travelling.
This then creates a community experience rather than a design review experience that goes on behind closed doors, the results of which are later disseminated for expert review. This waterfall process usually results in a lot of rework, waste and time lost.
Troubleshooting upstream results in faster iterations that do not require physical prototypes or much, if any, reworking of a design.
Radical also offers immersive experiences for specialists that need it. AR and VR are fully supported and can be mixed into any design review session.
Working for a guy with a green pen?
Time to get Radical.